Sun in seventh house

Seventh (life partner house) – There is no special good result of the Sun in this house especially for married life. If the Sun is more sinful and afflicted in this house, then divorce has been seen. The Sun here makes the native self-respecting but he also suffers from his spouse. Due to this reason, the native becomes harsh, he has to face humiliation even in the state or the workplace. He is always troubled by some or the other worry. Earth element (Sun in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn sign) makes a person successful businessman. In this combination, if Rahu also becomes strong and cooperates, then such a person wins the election and becomes a member of Vidhan Sabha, Lok Sabha or any assembly equivalent to it.

If Sun is in Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) then it helps in getting a high post in the field of education. If it is with Venus, then the person becomes successful in the field of music or law. He progresses with the means of entertainment. If Sun is in Fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) then the first marriage happens a little late. There is a full possibility of two marriages. In whatever field such a person is, he does not like anyone’s interference in it nor does he like to be under anyone. Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) Sun makes the person successful in the field of science or medicine. If Sun is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces then the person has to face severe insult once in his life.

If Sun is in Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn or Scorpio then the person faces humiliation once in his life. The first half of the person’s life is spent in complete happiness but the second half is spent in pain. Generally, if there is no other malefic effect on the Sun, then the person’s wife is practical, kind, supports in adversity, loves religion and has an impressive personality. Research has shown that if the Sun, the lord of the seventh house, is placed somewhere in the centre in Aquarius Lagna, then the person’s wife is sick, quarrelsome but loves her children, obeys her husband and wants his respect. 

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