Sun in twelfth house

Twelfth (Expenditure House) – The Sun gives more inauspicious results in this house because this house is also inauspicious. Due to the Sun in this house, the person gets eye diseases. The great diviner Acharya Mantreshwar has also clearly said about this Sun in his book Phaladeepika that such natives consider their father as their enemy and they have eye diseases. Eye sight decreases, especially the left eye has more problems. There is also a decrease in sleeping comfort. The reason for this decrease can be anything like the spouse being sick, wayward or not liking the spouse. Probably due to this reason, there can be a decrease in the happiness of children as well. Such a native may be of weak body, living in a foreign land, lazy, indifferent to every field, may have a brain disease.

If the Sun is in the water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) then the person is benevolent, brave and suffers political punishment. He is so spendthrift that he is always short of money. If the Sun is in the fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) then the person is very miserly, does wrong deeds and has criminal thoughts. He is very arrogant. If the Sun is in the air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) then the person gets a lot of respect and fame in the society. Such a person is also very spendthrift. If the Sun is in the fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) then the person faces all kinds of problems and crises and has good ideals. Such people have a desire for more money in their mind.


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