Sun in second house

Second House (wealth house) – In Vedic astrology, the placement of the Sun in the second house of a natal chart can have significant implications for the native’s life, depending on other planetary influences, aspects, and the sign involved. The second house primarily represents wealth, speech, family, values, and possessions. Here’s an overview of the results of the Sun in the second house:

Person is wealthy, suffers from mouth disease, he is fortunate, suffers from eye, ear and tooth diseases, quarrelsome, fights with relatives for a woman, wants to do independent business himself, does not like to work, many family members die in front of him, body and hands and feet sweat a lot, there is conflict between father and son, eyes burn a lot, eyes are weak. Such a person wants to eat the best food. If the Sun is in Aquarius, Gemini or Libra sign in this house, then the person is very miserly. Earns a lot of money. Due to his miserly nature, he is not able to spend money. Due to this nature, he does not get any sympathy from anyone. If Sun is in Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio sign, he can become a high officer. 

A job in an institution gives more benefits. If the Sun is in Sagittarius, then the native has the desire to become very big and has indomitable courage but is very selfish. If the Sun is in this house in Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio and Sagittarius Lagna and the lord of this house Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth or twelfth house, then the person may have to live a life of extreme poverty and beggar.

The Sun in the second house often indicates a focus on wealth and material possessions. The native may have the potential to accumulate wealth, especially if the Sun is well-placed in its exalted sign of Aries or in a friendly sign. There can be an innate ability to manage finances effectively.

Such natives tend to have a commanding and authoritative voice, making them effective speakers or leaders in fields requiring verbal communication. They may have a natural ability to influence others through their words. A strong connection to family values and traditions is common. The native may take pride in their lineage or family achievements.

They may assume a leadership role in the family. The native might achieve recognition or fame due to their wealth, possessions, or the legacy they build. If supported by other planetary influences, the native could have a flair for creative expression, particularly in areas related to speech, singing, or writing. The Sun’s placement might make the native overly proud of their wealth or possessions, which could lead to conflicts. Ego clashes within the family are possible, especially if the Sun is afflicted.

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