Fourth House (Happiness House) – In Vedic astrology, the Sun placed in the 4th house of a horoscope can have significant effects on one’s life, depending on its sign, strength, and aspects from other planets. Here is an in-depth analysis:
Beautiful, always worried, hard-hearted, destroyer of father’s wealth, deprived of vehicle comforts, penniless, fond of secret knowledge, opposed to brothers. Mostly inauspicious results are obtained from the Sun in this house. The person is handicapped, arrogant and the mind is always restless. He is against everyone, i.e. he keeps quarreling with people. He is slow-witted and cruel by nature. Sun in Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio in this house makes him have unstable thoughts, oppose his father, destroy his wealth and property and makes him unpopular in the society.
If the lord of the fourth house is strong or is in triangle, own sign or centre, then the bad results are reduced. Yoga of a high-level vehicle is formed. Due to Sun in this house, the person is unhappy in childhood, happy in youth and again unhappy in old age. If any auspicious planet conjoins or aspects the Sun in this house, then the person is popular as well as fearless, skilled in the art of war and does not turn his back even if he is alone.
The Sun’s placement here indicates a strong bond or influence of the mother in the native’s life. If the Sun is strong (e.g., in Leo or Aries), the mother may have a dominant personality or be a source of pride and authority. In challenging conditions (e.g., Sun in Libra or afflicted), there may be misunderstandings or health issues related to the mother.
The Sun in the 4th house gives the native emotional strength and a desire to maintain authority within the family. They may feel a deep attachment to their home, culture, and roots. At times, this placement can make the native egoistic or overly authoritative at home. Sun in this house tends to bless the native with property, land, and vehicles, especially if the Sun is well-placed. The person may acquire immovable assets or ancestral property.
The 4th house is opposite the 10th house (career). Hence, the Sun here may impact career growth indirectly. These natives prefer careers where they can maintain control and authority, or work from home (like teaching, real estate, or managing property). A weak or afflicted Sun in this house can create issues related to the heart, chest, or lungs. Mental peace can be disturbed if the Sun is debilitated or aspected by malefics like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu. Sun in the 4th house may indicate good education, especially in subjects related to government, administration, or leadership roles.
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